Python Automated Documentation
If you are fastidious in writing proper Python documentation then you may be looking for a way to generate nice HTML documentation. I use sphinx for this.
If you are fastidious in writing proper Python documentation then you may be looking for a way to generate nice HTML documentation. I use sphinx for this.
The following code will enable you to implement multiprocessing in any Python project that contains a for loop. Take your for loop that has a long-running function in it and replace “for i in iterable” with your for loop conditions. Change “function_name” to the name of the function that will be executed. Change the list of function arguments to what you need.
import multiprocessing number_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=number_cores) r = [pool.apply_async(function_name, args=(function_arg1, function_arg2)) for i in iterable] output = [p.get() for p in r] pool.terminate()
The above code would be the multiprocessing implementation of the following.
output = [] for i in iterable: output += function_name(function_arg1, function_arg2)