Last week I wrote about my self-hosted Sentry install in 3 Docker containers. This week I want to bring you the rest of my self-hosted tools for developers, all rolled into a convenient docker-compose.yml.
- Version Control (GitLab)
- Code Analysis (SonarQube)
- Email (exim4)
- Code Search (Etsy Hound)
- Visualization (Grafana)
- User Error Monitoring (Sentry)
- System Monitoring (Prometheus)
- Log Monitoring (ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana))
- Docker Web GUI (Portainer)
- All Services Rolled Up
About The Configurations Shown
The configuration files described and shown below are exactly what I’m running at this time, 2019-07-13, (with personal details removed, of course) and therefore they may need to be adjusted slightly to your own preferences. Specifically, you will likely have to change the volumes for all the containers. I have them set to the /srv/$SERVICE_NAME
and /srv/configs/$SERVICE_NAME
paths for bulk data and configuration files respectively. The idea is that I would be able to move my docker-compose and configs directory to a new computer and immediately have this same stack up and running. Some bulk data may be lost, but I don’t consider any of it critical. The docker-compose file is using version 3.
Version Control (GitLab)
One of the most important developer tools is a version control system. Most developers use Git and especially GitHub. These are of course great tools, but I also run my own GitLab server. As the name suggests, GitLab uses the same Git system as always, but it has some more powerful features, chief among which is CI/CD. GitLab has a fairly simple continuous integration/continuous deployment system built in. It utilizes a .gitlab-ci.yml
file placed in your repository to define operations to perform. It uses a separate docker container running GitLab Runner to spawn additional containers that execute the tasks you define in the gitlab-ci file. In addition to CI/CD, since you’re running your own server you can have as many private repositories as you want and even share private repositories with selected contributors.
The docker-compose section for my GitLab setup is shown below. Some things to note are that the GitLab Runner may need some additional setup, especially getting a registration token. Here are GitLab’s instructions for the registration process.
##### GitLab Stack ##### ##### GitLab Stack ##### gitlab: image: 'gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest' restart: always container_name: gitlab hostname: # YOUR HOSTNAME ex. links: - smtp environment: GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG: | external_url '# YOUR URL ex. #'; gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_from'] = '# YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS #'; gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_reply_to'] = '# YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS #'; gitlab_rails['smtp_enable'] = 'true'; gitlab_rails['smtp_address'] = 'smtp'; letsencrypt['enable'] = false; nginx['listen_https'] = false; nginx['listen_port'] = 80; ports: - '180:80' volumes: - '/srv/configs/gitlab/gitlab:/etc/gitlab' - '/srv/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab' - '/srv/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab' ##### End GitLab ##### ##### GitLab CI/CD Runner ##### gitlab-runner: image: 'gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest' restart: always container_name: gitlab-runner links: - gitlab environment: - CI_SERVER_URL=http://gitlab/ - RUNNER_NAME=local-docker-runner - REGISTER_NON_INTERACTIVE=true - REGISTRATION_TOKEN=# YOUR REGISTRATION TOKEN FROM GITLAB # - RUNNER_EXECUTOR=docker - DOCKER_IMAGE=ubuntu:artful - REGISTER_LOCKED=false volumes: - /srv/configs/gitlab/gitlab-runner:/etc/gitlab-runner - /srv/gitlab-runner/home:/home/gitlab-runner - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ##### End GitLab CI/CD Runner ##### ##### End GitLab Stack #####
Code Analysis (SonarQube)
Code just working isn’t good enough, you ought to enforce some guidelines on code style to avoid potential problems. One tool to do this is SonarQube, which is a static analysis tool. This means that it simply looks at your source code and will run a multitude of different rulesets against it looking for issues. It has support for all the popular languages and you can customize the rules that it enforces.
To use SonarQube you will need a Postgres or other supported SQL service. You can run Postgres in another container or perhaps on a separate database server. Fill in the configuration below with the database information, and that should be all the setup required.
##### Sonarqube Static Code Analysis ##### sonar-postgres: image: postgres:latest restart: always environment: POSTGRES_DB: sonarqube POSTGRES_USER: sonarqube POSTGRES_PASSWORD: sonarqube volumes: - /srv/sonarqube/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data sonarqube: container_name: sonarqube image: 'sonarqube:latest' restart: always links: - smtp - sonar-postgres ports: - 780:9000 environment: - SONARQUBE_JDBC_URL=jdbc:postgresql://sonar-postgres/sonarqube - SONARQUBE_JDBC_USERNAME=sonarqube - SONARQUBE_JDBC_PASSWORD=sonarqube - SMTP_HOST=smtp volumes: - /srv/sonarqube/conf:/opt/sonarqube/conf - /srv/sonarqube/data:/opt/sonarqube/data - /srv/sonarqube/extensions:/opt/sonarqube/extensions - /srv/sonarqube/bundled-plugins:/opt/sonarqube/lib/bundled-plugins/opt/sonarqube/lib/bundled-plugins ##### End Sonarqube Static Code Analysis #####
Email (exim4)
Many of the containers described in this article can take advantage of emails to alert you of issues if you set them up. A really simple way to do this if you don’t have your own mail server is to just use your existing GMail account.
##### SMTP Email ##### smtp: image: 'tianon/exim4:latest' restart: always environment: GMAIL_USER: # YOUR GMAIL USERNAME # GMAIL_PASSWORD: # YOUR GMAIL PASSWORD # ##### End SMTP Email #####
Code Search (Etsy Hound)
Occasionally you may find that you’re writing something that you know you’ve done before, but you just can’t seem to find what project or file its in. Hound is a very simple code search tool that indexes your repositories and allows you to search them using regular expressions. Hound requires a bit of configuration in config.json
which you can learn about here.
##### Hound Code Search ##### hound: container_name: hound image: 'etsy/hound:latest' restart: always ports: - 580:6080 volumes: - /srv/configs/hound/config.json:/data/config.json - /srv/hound/data:/data/data ##### End Hound Code Search #####
Example Hound Configuration
Here is an example configuration for Hound, just put in your GitHub URLs and project names.
{ "max-concurrent-indexers" : 5, "dbpath" : "data", "repos" : { "graphPlayground" : { "url" : "", "enable-push-updates" : true } } }
Visualization (Grafana)
If any of your projects are generating some statistics or writing into a database, then maybe you’d like a simple dashboard to visualize them. Grafana is the best way to do this without writing it yourself. It allows you to hookup many different datasources including MySQL, Graphite, Prometheus, and more and then show data in appealing graphs, tables, etc. Grafana comes with some dashboards and there are more community generated dashboards on their site. Most of the configuration you’ll do with Grafana is to setup a dashboard the way you like it.
##### Grafana Dashboard ##### grafana: container_name: grafana image: 'grafana/grafana:latest' restart: always links: - smtp ports: - 680:3000 environment: - GF_SERVER_ENABLE_GZIP=true - GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL=%(protocol)s://%(domain)s/ - GF_SERVER_DOMAIN=# DOMAIN ex. # - GF_SMTP_ENABLED=true - GF_SMTP_HOST=smtp - GF_AUTH_ORG_NAME=anon_org - GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ENABLED=true volumes: - /srv/configs/grafana:/var/lib/grafana ##### End Grafana Dashboard #####
User Error Monitoring (Sentry)
See my post from last week to configure a self-hosted Sentry to collect errors that users encounter while using your applications.
System Monitoring (Prometheus)
Prometheus is one of several popular time-series databases. I use it to collect load, network, and other statistics from servers and Docker containers. I have it configured using Google CAdvisor and Prometheus’s node-exporter to gather stats on containers and hosts respectively. I then use Grafana to visualize the data from Prometheus.
##### Prometheus Monitoring Stack ##### prometheus: container_name: prometheus image: 'prom/prometheus:latest' restart: always links: - grafana - cadvisor - node-exporter command: - '--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml' - '--storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus' - '--web.console.libraries=/usr/share/prometheus/console_libraries' - '--web.console.templates=/usr/share/prometheus/consoles' volumes: - /srv/configs/prometheus:/etc/prometheus - /srv/prometheus:/prometheus # Monitoring for this host # node-exporter: image: prom/node-exporter container_name: prometheus_node-exporter volumes: - /proc:/host/proc:ro - /sys:/host/sys:ro - /:/rootfs:ro command: - '--path.procfs=/host/proc' - '--path.sysfs=/host/sys' - --collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points - "^/(sys|proc|dev|host|etc|rootfs/var/lib/docker/containers|rootfs/var/lib/docker/overlay2|rootfs/run/docker/netns|rootfs/var/lib/docker/aufs)($|/)" restart: always # Docker container monitoring # cadvisor: image: google/cadvisor restart: always volumes: - /:/rootfs:ro - /var/run:/var/run:rw - /sys:/sys:ro - /var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro ##### End Prometheus Monitoring Stack #####
Prometheus Configuration
Here as the Prometheus configuration that I used prometheus.yml
to get node-exporter and cadvisor data into my Prometheus. Put it in /srv/configs/prometheus/prometheus.yml
if you’re using my docker-compose file from above.
# my global config global: scrape_interval: 15s # By default, scrape targets every 15 seconds. evaluation_interval: 15s # By default, scrape targets every 15 seconds. # scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s). # A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape: # Here it's Prometheus itself. scrape_configs: # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config. - job_name: 'prometheus' # Override the global default and scrape targets from this job every 5 seconds. scrape_interval: 5s static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:9090'] - job_name: 'node-exporter' # Override the global default and scrape targets from this job every 5 seconds. scrape_interval: 5s static_configs: - targets: ['node-exporter:9100'] - job_name: 'cadvisor' # Override the global default and scrape targets from this job every 5 seconds. scrape_interval: 5s static_configs: - targets: ['cadvisor:8080']
Log Monitoring (ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana))
To store and search through logs including Apache access and error logs and Linux system logs I use the ELK stack from
For configuration, you’ll have to setup Filebeat or some other way to get logs from your server and into ELK.
##### ELK Stack ##### elasticsearch: image: elasticsearch:7.2.0 container_name: elasticsearch restart: always volumes: - /srv/configs/elk/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml:ro - /srv/elk/elasticsearch/data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data ports: - "9200:9200" - "9300:9300" environment: ES_JAVA_OPTS: "-Xmx1g -Xms1g" networks: - elk logstash: image: logstash:7.2.0 container_name: logstash restart: always volumes: - /srv/configs/elk/logstash/config:/usr/share/logstash/config:ro - /srv/configs/elk/logstash/pipeline:/usr/share/logstash/pipeline:ro ports: - "5000:5000" environment: LS_JAVA_OPTS: "-Xmx256m -Xms256m" networks: - elk depends_on: - elasticsearch kibana: image: kibana:7.2.0 container_name: kibana restart: always volumes: - /srv/configs/elk/kibana/:/usr/share/kibana/config:ro ports: - "5601:5601" networks: - elk depends_on: - elasticsearch ##### End ELK Stack ##### networks: ##### ELK Stack Network ##### elk: driver: bridge ##### End ELK Stack Network #####
I use the default ElasticSearch and Logstash configuration, and the following for Kibana. I also am including here a pipeline/logstash.conf
which has rules for Apache access and error, PHP error, and Syslogs.
Kibana.yml kibana "" elasticsearch.hosts: http://elasticsearch:9200
input { beats { port => 5000 ssl => false } } ## PHP ## filter { if "php_error" in [tags] { grok { match => { "message" => "^\[(?<logtime>%{MONTHDAY}-%{MONTH}-%{YEAR} %{TIME} (%{TZ}|(\w+\/\w+)))\] ?%{GREEDYDATA:message}" } overwrite => [ "message" ] } date { match => [ "logtime", "d-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss ZZZ" ] remove_field => [ "logtime" ] } } } ## Apache Access and Error ## filter { if "apache_access" in [tags] { grok { match => [ "message" , "%{COMBINEDAPACHELOG}+%{GREEDYDATA:extra_fields}", "message" , "%{COMMONAPACHELOG}+%{GREEDYDATA:extra_fields}" ] overwrite => [ "message" ] } mutate { convert => ["response", "integer"] convert => ["bytes", "integer"] convert => ["responsetime", "float"] } geoip { source => "clientip" target => "geoip" add_tag => [ "apache-geoip" ] } date { match => [ "timestamp" , "dd/MMM/YYYY:HH:mm:ss Z" ] remove_field => [ "timestamp" ] } useragent { source => "agent" } } if "apache_error" in [tags] { grok { match => [ "message", "%{HTTPD_ERRORLOG}" ] overwrite => ["message"] } if !("_grokparsefailure" in [tags]) { geoip { source => "clientip" } } } } ## Syslog ## filter { if "syslog" in [tags] { grok { match => [ "message", "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:syslog_timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:syslog_hostname} %{DATA:syslog_program}(?:\[%{POSINT:syslog_pid}\])?: %{GREEDYDATA:message}" ] overwrite => ["message"] } date { match => [ "syslog_timestamp", "MMM d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss" ] timezone => "America/New_York" } } } ## Removing annoying tag ## filter { if "beats_input_codec_plain_applied" in [tags] { mutate { remove_tag => ["beats_input_codec_plain_applied"] } } } ## Output output { elasticsearch { hosts => "elasticsearch:9200" sniffing => true manage_template => false document_type => "%{[@metadata][type]}" } }
Docker Web GUI (Portainer)
The simplest of all configurations, Portainer is a web app that enables you to manage your Docker containers.
##### Portainer Docker Web GUI ##### portainer: container_name: portainer image: 'portainer/portainer:latest' restart: always ports: - '480:9000' volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - /srv/configs/portainer:/data ##### End Portainer Docker Web GUI #####
All Rolled Up
For your convenience, here’s the whole docker-compose that I described in parts above. Many of the containers won’t run as-is, instead they’ll require a bit more configuration.
version: '3' services: ##### GitLab Stack ##### ##### GitLab Stack ##### gitlab: image: 'gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest' restart: always container_name: gitlab hostname: # YOUR HOSTNAME ex. links: - smtp environment: GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG: | external_url '# YOUR URL ex. #'; gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_from'] = '# YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS #'; gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_reply_to'] = '# YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS #'; gitlab_rails['smtp_enable'] = 'true'; gitlab_rails['smtp_address'] = 'smtp'; letsencrypt['enable'] = false; nginx['listen_https'] = false; nginx['listen_port'] = 80; ports: - '180:80' volumes: - '/srv/configs/gitlab/gitlab:/etc/gitlab' - '/srv/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab' - '/srv/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab' ##### End GitLab ##### ##### GitLab CI/CD Runner ##### gitlab-runner: image: 'gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest' restart: always container_name: gitlab-runner links: - gitlab environment: - CI_SERVER_URL=http://gitlab/ - RUNNER_NAME=local-docker-runner - REGISTER_NON_INTERACTIVE=true - REGISTRATION_TOKEN=# YOUR REGISTRATION TOKEN FROM GITLAB # - RUNNER_EXECUTOR=docker - DOCKER_IMAGE=ubuntu:artful - REGISTER_LOCKED=false volumes: - /srv/configs/gitlab/gitlab-runner:/etc/gitlab-runner - /srv/gitlab-runner/home:/home/gitlab-runner - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ##### End GitLab CI/CD Runner ##### ##### End GitLab Stack ##### ##### Sonarqube Static Code Analysis ##### sonar-postgres: image: postgres:latest restart: always environment: POSTGRES_DB: sonarqube POSTGRES_USER: sonarqube POSTGRES_PASSWORD: sonarqube volumes: - /srv/sonarqube/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data sonarqube: container_name: sonarqube image: 'sonarqube:latest' restart: always links: - smtp - sonar-postgres ports: - 780:9000 environment: - SONARQUBE_JDBC_URL=jdbc:postgresql://sonar-postgres/sonarqube - SONARQUBE_JDBC_USERNAME=sonarqube - SONARQUBE_JDBC_PASSWORD=sonarqube - SMTP_HOST=smtp volumes: - /srv/sonarqube/conf:/opt/sonarqube/conf - /srv/sonarqube/data:/opt/sonarqube/data - /srv/sonarqube/extensions:/opt/sonarqube/extensions - /srv/sonarqube/bundled-plugins:/opt/sonarqube/lib/bundled-plugins/opt/sonarqube/lib/bundled-plugins ##### End Sonarqube Static Code Analysis ##### ##### SMTP Email ##### smtp: image: 'tianon/exim4:latest' restart: always environment: GMAIL_USER: # YOUR GMAIL USERNAME # GMAIL_PASSWORD: # YOUR GMAIL PASSWORD # ##### End SMTP Email ##### ##### Hound Code Search ##### hound: container_name: hound image: 'etsy/hound:latest' restart: always ports: - 580:6080 volumes: - /srv/configs/hound/config.json:/data/config.json - /srv/hound/data:/data/data ##### End Hound Code Search ##### ##### Grafana Dashboard ##### grafana: container_name: grafana image: 'grafana/grafana:latest' restart: always links: - smtp ports: - 680:3000 environment: - GF_SERVER_ENABLE_GZIP=true - GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL=%(protocol)s://%(domain)s/ - GF_SERVER_DOMAIN=# DOMAIN ex. # - GF_SMTP_ENABLED=true - GF_SMTP_HOST=smtp - GF_AUTH_ORG_NAME=anon_org - GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ENABLED=true volumes: - /srv/configs/grafana:/var/lib/grafana ##### End Grafana Dashboard ##### ##### Sentry Stack ##### sentry-base: image: 'sentry:latest' container_name: sentry-base restart: always depends_on: - sentry-redis - sentry-postgres links: - sentry-redis - sentry-postgres ports: - 880:9000 env_file: - sentry.env volumes: - /srv/configs/sentry/sentry:/var/lib/sentry/files sentry-cron: image: 'sentry:latest' container_name: sentry-cron restart: always depends_on: - sentry-redis - sentry-postgres links: - sentry-redis - sentry-postgres command: "sentry run cron" env_file: - sentry.env volumes: - /srv/configs/sentry/sentry:/var/lib/sentry/files sentry-worker: image: 'sentry:latest' container_name: sentry-worker restart: always depends_on: - sentry-redis - sentry-postgres links: - sentry-redis - sentry-postgres command: "sentry run worker" env_file: - sentry.env volumes: - /srv/configs/sentry/sentry:/var/lib/sentry/files sentry-redis: image: 'redis:alpine' container_name: sentry-redis restart: always sentry-postgres: image: 'postgres:latest' container_name: sentry-postgres restart: always environment: POSTGRES_USER: sentry POSTGRES_PASSWORD: sentry POSTGRES_DB: sentry volumes: - /srv/configs/sentry/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data ##### End Sentry Stack ##### ##### Prometheus Monitoring Stack ##### prometheus: container_name: prometheus image: 'prom/prometheus:latest' restart: always links: - grafana - cadvisor - node-exporter command: - '--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml' - '--storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus' - '--web.console.libraries=/usr/share/prometheus/console_libraries' - '--web.console.templates=/usr/share/prometheus/consoles' volumes: - /srv/configs/prometheus:/etc/prometheus - /srv/prometheus:/prometheus # Monitoring for this host # node-exporter: image: prom/node-exporter container_name: prometheus_node-exporter volumes: - /proc:/host/proc:ro - /sys:/host/sys:ro - /:/rootfs:ro command: - '--path.procfs=/host/proc' - '--path.sysfs=/host/sys' - --collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points - "^/(sys|proc|dev|host|etc|rootfs/var/lib/docker/containers|rootfs/var/lib/docker/overlay2|rootfs/run/docker/netns|rootfs/var/lib/docker/aufs)($|/)" restart: always # Docker container monitoring # cadvisor: image: google/cadvisor restart: always volumes: - /:/rootfs:ro - /var/run:/var/run:rw - /sys:/sys:ro - /var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro ##### End Prometheus Monitoring Stack ##### ##### ELK Stack ##### elasticsearch: image: elasticsearch:7.2.0 container_name: elasticsearch restart: always volumes: - /srv/configs/elk/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml:ro - /srv/elk/elasticsearch/data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data ports: - "9200:9200" - "9300:9300" environment: ES_JAVA_OPTS: "-Xmx1g -Xms1g" networks: - elk logstash: image: logstash:7.2.0 container_name: logstash restart: always volumes: - /srv/configs/elk/logstash/config:/usr/share/logstash/config:ro - /srv/configs/elk/logstash/pipeline:/usr/share/logstash/pipeline:ro ports: - "5000:5000" environment: LS_JAVA_OPTS: "-Xmx256m -Xms256m" networks: - elk depends_on: - elasticsearch kibana: image: kibana:7.2.0 container_name: kibana restart: always volumes: - /srv/configs/elk/kibana/:/usr/share/kibana/config:ro ports: - "5601:5601" networks: - elk depends_on: - elasticsearch ##### End ELK Stack ##### ##### Portainer Docker Web GUI ##### portainer: container_name: portainer image: 'portainer/portainer:latest' restart: always ports: - '480:9000' volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - /srv/configs/portainer:/data ##### End Portainer Docker Web GUI ##### networks: ##### ELK Stack Network ##### elk: driver: bridge ##### End ELK Stack Network #####
Ouha great idea,
Thank you so much for writing this article, it helps me a lot.
Have you updated your docker-compose.yml for now?
Best regards
Hi Frederic,
No, I haven’t updated this in about a year, although I believe it all still works with the latest versions of each software.