These scripts are made to encode text to mRNA codon sequences and visa-versa. Use it here.
This script translates the single letter name of amino acids to the corresponding RNA. You can translate all letters (upper and lower), all numbers, most symbols (excluding ` and forward slash)
This script translates mRNA into the single letter name for the corresponding amino acid. It has a maximum of 100 codons per run
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>mRNA Encoder/Decoder by Michael Dombrowski | | v1.1.0</title> </head> <body> <p>These scripts are made to encode text to mRNA codon sequences and visa-versa</p> <p>These scripts were completely written by <a href="">Michael Dombrowski.</a> </p> <p> <a href="">Email Me Here</a> </p> <br/> <FORM NAME="myform" ACTION="" METHOD="GET"> Enter what you want to be encoded or decoded. For decode start with the first AUG: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="inputbox" VALUE=""> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="button" Value="Encode" onClick="encode(this.form)"> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="button" Value="Decode" onClick="decode(this.form)"> </FORM> <input type="button" onclick="toggle_visibility('1');;" value="More about encoding mRNA" /> <input type="button" onclick="toggle_visibility('2');" value="More about decoding mRNA" /> <div id="1" style="display:none"> <p>This script translates the single letter name of amino acids to the corresponding RNA. You can translate all letters (upper and lower), all numbers, most symbols (excluding ` and forward slash)</p> </div> <div id="2" style="display:none"> <p>This script translates mRNA into the single letter name for the corresponding amino acid. It has a maximum of 100 codons per run</p> </div> <div> <p id="description"></p> <p id="resultArea"></p> <button style="display:none" id="clearBtn">Clear</button> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function toggle_visibility(id) { var e = document.getElementById(id); if ( == 'none') { = 'block'; } else { = 'none' }; } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var resultArea = document.getElementById("resultArea"); var descriptionDiv = document.getElementById("description"); document.getElementById("clearBtn").onclick = function () { resultArea.innerText = ""; descriptionDiv.innerText = ""; document.getElementsByName("myform")[0].inputbox.value = ""; document.getElementById("clearBtn").style.display = "none"; }; function decode(form) { let RNA1 = form.inputbox.value; let RNA = RNA1.toUpperCase(); let start = 3; let stop = 6; let result = new Array(); descriptionDiv.innerHTML = 'This script translates mRNA into the single letter name for the corresponding amino acid. It has a maximum of 100 codons per run <br/>Your input ' + RNA; resultArea.innerText = "Your decoded RNA --- "; if (RNA.substring(0, 3) !== 'AUG') { alert('You did not start with the first AUG codon!'); } else { result.push('M/Start'); } for (let i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { switch (RNA.substring(start, stop)) { case '"B"': result.push("B"); break; case '"O"': result.push('O'); break; case '"X"': result.push('X'); break; case '"J"': result.push('J'); break; case '"U"': result.push('U'); break; case '"Z"': result.push('Z'); break; case 'AUG': result.push('M'); break; case 'UUU': result.push('F'); break; case 'UUC': result.push('F'); break; case 'UUG': result.push('L'); break; case 'UUA': result.push('L'); break; case 'CUU': result.push('L'); break; case 'CUC': result.push('L'); break; case 'CUA': result.push('L'); break; case 'CUG': result.push('L'); break; case 'AUU': result.push('I'); break; case 'AUC': result.push('I'); break; case 'AUA': result.push('I'); break; case 'GUU': result.push('V'); break; case 'GUC': result.push('V'); break; case 'GUA': result.push('V'); break; case 'GUG': result.push('V'); break; case 'UCU': result.push('S'); break; case 'AUA': result.push('I'); break; case 'UCC': result.push('S'); break; case 'UCA': result.push('S'); break; case 'UCG': result.push('S'); break; case 'CCU': result.push('P'); break; case 'CCC': result.push('P'); break; case 'CCA': result.push('P'); break; case 'CCG': result.push('P'); break; case 'ACU': result.push('T'); break; case 'ACC': result.push('T'); break; case 'ACA': result.push('T'); break; case 'ACG': result.push('T'); break; case 'GCU': result.push('A'); break; case 'GCC': result.push('A'); break; case 'GCA': result.push('A'); break; case 'GCG': result.push('A'); break; case 'UAU': result.push('Y'); break; case 'UAC': result.push('Y'); break; case 'CAU': result.push('H'); break; case 'CAC': result.push('H'); break; case 'CAA': result.push('Q'); break; case 'CAG': result.push('Q'); break; case 'AAU': result.push('N'); break; case 'AAC': result.push('N'); break; case 'AAA': result.push('K'); break; case 'AAG': result.push('K'); break; case 'GAU': result.push('D'); break; case 'GAC': result.push('D'); break; case 'GAA': result.push('E'); break; case 'GAG': result.push('E'); break; case 'UGU': result.push('C'); break; case 'UCA': result.push('S'); break; case 'UGC': result.push('C'); break; case 'UGG': result.push('W'); break; case 'CGU': result.push('R'); break; case 'CGC': result.push('R'); break; case 'CGA': result.push('R'); break; case 'CGG': result.push('R'); break; case 'AGU': result.push('S'); break; case 'AGC': result.push('S'); break; case 'AGA': result.push('R'); break; case 'UCA': result.push('S'); break; case 'AGG': result.push('R'); break; case 'GGU': result.push('G'); break; case 'GGC': result.push('G'); break; case 'GGA': result.push('G'); break; case 'GGG': result.push('G'); break; case ' ': result.push(' '); start -= 2; stop -= 2; break; default: console.error("Uknown codon", RNA.substring(start, stop)); break; } start += 3; stop += 3; } if (RNA.substring(start, stop) == 'UAA') { result.push('Stop. Please input starting at the next AUG and run again.'); } if (RNA.substring(start, stop) == 'UAG') { result.push('Stop. Please input starting at the next AUG and run again.'); } if (RNA.substring(start, stop) == 'UGA') { result.push('Stop. Please input starting at the next AUG and run again.'); } resultArea.innerText += result; document.getElementById("clearBtn").style.display = "block"; } // ,--. ,----.. // ,---,. ,--.'| ,----.. / / \ ,---, ,---,. // ,' .' | ,--,: : | / / \ / . : .' .' `\ ,' .' | //,---.' |,`--.'`| ' :| : : . / ;. \,---.' \ ,---.' | //| | .'| : : | |. | ;. /. ; / ` ;| | .`\ || | .' //: : |-,: | \ | :. ; /--` ; | ; \ ; |: : | ' |: : |-, //: | ;/|| : ' '; |; | ; | : | ; | '| ' ' ; :: | ;/| //| : .'' ' ;. ;| : | . | ' ' ' :' | ; . || : .' //| | |-,| | | \ |. | '___ ' ; \; / || | : | '| | |-, //' : ;/|' : | ; .'' ; : .'| \ \ ', / ' : | / ; ' : ;/| //| | \| | '`--' ' | '/ : ; : / | | '` ,/ | | \ //| : .'' : | | : / \ \ .' ; : .' | : .' //| | ,' ; |.' \ \ .' `---` | ,.' | | ,' //`----' '---' `---` '---' `----' function encode(form) { let arr; let RNA = form.inputbox.value; let start = 0; let stop = 1; descriptionDiv.innerHTML = 'This script translates the single letter name of amino acids to the corresponding RNA. You can translate all letters (upper and lower), all numbers, most symbols (excluding ` and forward slash) The many "A"s at the end is the poly-A tail and is added for accuracy<br/>Your input is --- ' + RNA; resultArea.innerText = 'Your encoded RNA --- AUG'; const randChoice = (arr) => { return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]; }; for (let i = 0; i <= 50; i++) { switch (RNA.toUpperCase().substring(start, stop)) { case ' ': break; case 'M': resultArea.innerText += "AUG"; break; case 'F': arr = ['UUC', 'UUU']; resultArea.innerText += randChoice(arr); break; case 'L': arr = ['UUG', 'UUA', 'CUU', 'CUC', 'CUA', 'CUG']; resultArea.innerText += randChoice(arr); break; case 'I': arr = ['AUU', 'AUC', 'AUA']; resultArea.innerText += randChoice(arr); break; case 'V': arr = ['GUU', 'GUC', 'GUA', 'GUG']; resultArea.innerText += randChoice(arr); break; case 'P': arr = ['CCU', 'CCC', 'CCA', 'CCG']; resultArea.innerText += randChoice(arr); break; case 'T': arr = ['ACU', 'ACC', 'ACA', 'ACG']; resultArea.innerText += randChoice(arr); break; case 'A': arr = ['GCU', 'GCC', 'GCA', 'GCG']; resultArea.innerText += randChoice(arr); break; case 'Y': arr = ['UAU', 'UAC']; resultArea.innerText += randChoice(arr); break; case 'H': arr = ['CAU', 'CAC']; resultArea.innerText += randChoice(arr); break; case 'Q': arr = ['CAA', 'CAG']; resultArea.innerText += randChoice(arr); break; case 'N': resultArea.innerText += 'AAU'; break; case 'K': resultArea.innerText += 'AAA'; break; case 'D': arr = ['GAU', 'GAC']; resultArea.innerText += randChoice(arr); break; case 'E': arr = ['GAA', 'GAG']; resultArea.innerText += randChoice(arr); break; case 'C': resultArea.innerText += 'UGU'; break; case 'W': resultArea.innerText += 'UGG'; break; case 'R': arr = ['CGU', 'CGC', 'CGA', 'CGG']; resultArea.innerText += randChoice(arr); break; case 'S': arr = ['UCU', 'UCC', 'UCA', 'UCG', 'AGU', 'AGC']; resultArea.innerText += randChoice(arr); break; case 'G': arr = ['GGU', 'GGC', 'GGA', 'GGG']; resultArea.innerText += randChoice(arr); break; case 'B': resultArea.innerText += '"' + RNA.substring(start, stop) + '"'; break; case 'J': resultArea.innerText += '"' + RNA.substring(start, stop) + '"'; break; case 'O': resultArea.innerText += '"' + RNA.substring(start, stop) + '"'; break; case 'Q': resultArea.innerText += '"' + RNA.substring(start, stop) + '"'; break; case 'U': resultArea.innerText += '"' + RNA.substring(start, stop) + '"'; break; case 'X': resultArea.innerText += '"' + RNA.substring(start, stop) + '"'; break; case 'Z': resultArea.innerText += '"' + RNA.substring(start, stop) + '"'; break; //symbols case '`': resultArea.innerText += '"`"'; break; case '~': resultArea.innerText += '"~"'; break; case '<': resultArea.innerText += '<'; break; case '>': resultArea.innerText += '>'; break; default: resultArea.innerText += RNA.substring(start, stop); break; } start++; stop++; } resultArea.innerText += 'UAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'; document.getElementById("clearBtn").style.display = "block"; } </script> <center> <p>© 2011 Michael Dombrowski, Some Rights Reserved</p> <p> <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike</a> </p> <p> <a href=""></a> | mRNA Encoder/Decoder v1.1.0</p> </center> </body> </html>
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